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Crimping Your Conductors Without Cramping Your Quality
Posted on 12/14/21 9:48 AM
Topics: product design, designing for export, power cord, conductor crimping, crimps
Calculating Voltage Drop
Posted on 11/15/21 4:12 PM
Calculating Voltage Drop is Critical in the Application of your Electrical design. Using longer cord lengths in your electrical design may become problematic enough to pose potential dangers. When cable length is 50 feet or longer, voltage drop in cable occurs—the resistance in the copper measured per foot—causing heat buildup.
Topics: electrical safety, voltage drop, product design, designing for export, power cord
Choosing a Power Cord or Cord Set
Posted on 9/23/19 10:40 AM
Selecting the appropriate power cord or cord set starts with knowing who the end user will be. Due to a variety of standards and different plug patterns used throughout the world, it is essential to know what is needed per that country’s requirements.
Topics: cord set, product design, power cord
Safety Sense with Cords
Posted on 3/25/19 7:56 AM
Safety needs to be a priority when using a power cord or cord set. Cords that are broken or damaged in some way can become a fire hazard or cause an electrical shock.
Topics: electrical safety, cord set, power cord, OSHA
Measurements and Standard Tolerances for Power Cords and Cord Sets
Posted on 7/19/18 12:23 PM
Using a Standard Method of Measurement for Cords Depending on the application, cable length in a power cord or cord set is a choice for the designer. Interpower offers standard length power cords and cord sets, as well as specialized lengths. When measuring all power cords and cord sets, Interpower uses a standard method of measurement.
Topics: product design, designing for export, power cord