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Barcodes: The Labels That Keep on Tracking
Posted on 1/5/21 7:41 AM
Barcodes have come a long way since their first patent was approved in 1952. From the workhorse of the 1-D barcode to 2-D and QR codes, it is not an overstatement to say the barcode has revolutionized how companies, institutions and agencies manage inventories. And a whole lot more.
Topics: safety, barcodes, value-added, product tracking
The Value of Socket Strips
Posted on 12/22/20 7:57 AM
A socket strip is a stand-alone electrical product containing several power sources (sockets) to provide equipment electrical connectivity by way of a country-specific AC input cord. Socket strips allow one or several machines to receive power in one or multiple strips.
Topics: product design, modules, designing for export
Benefits of Using a Power Entry Module in Your Electrical Design
Posted on 12/7/20 4:18 PM
A module is a device that combines multiple functions into a single unit to control power entry. There are several reasons to choose a module over individual components that are installed piecemeal. When choosing a module in your design, the first step is deciding which functions or components your module should contain. Typically an Interpower module offers two to five functions: an inlet, outlet, switch, circuit protection, voltage selector, and a filter.
Topics: product design, modules, designing for export
Ultrasonic Welding: The Plastics Edition
Posted on 11/23/20 2:43 PM
It may look simple, but joining two separate plastic products to form a new product containing ground, neutral, and line screws and folded metal is trickier than it sounds. And once you have the components in place, how do you “weld” a plastic faceplate onto an existing plastic housing?
Topics: NEMA Sockets, ultrasonic weld, 5-15 Sockets
Swiss Household Plug and Socket System Deviation per SN 441011
Posted on 11/10/20 3:49 PM
The new Swiss standard series SN 441011 for plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes has been applicable since March 1, 2019, and replaces the previous standard SN SEV 1011. The manufacture and import of products and appliances incorporating plugs and socket-outlets that are regulated by the previous standard SN SEV 1011 will remain permitted until February 28, 2022.
Topics: electrical safety, cord set, testing, Swiss plug