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Switches: Markings, Types, and Safety Considerations
Posted on 7/15/19 7:57 AM
From being used on a vacuum cleaner to being used on a life-support machine, the purpose of a switch is to open and close a circuit. A switch is used when incoming power in an electrical product design needs to be controlled. Opening a circuit (turning a device OFF) is achieved by breaking the connection. This interrupts the current flow. Closing the circuit (turning a device ON) allows the current to flow again.
Topics: electrical safety, product design, switches
Protecting Global Electrical Connections with Metric Strain Reliefs/Cable Glands
Posted on 7/1/19 9:47 AM
A strain relief or cable gland extends cord life and reinforces the cord connection to the equipment. The main purpose is to help protect the electrical connection and circuitry inside the equipment. The most common application is on a power cord providing electricity to equipment. In many situations, the equipment is portable and requires protection so the cable cannot be pulled out of the equipment.
Topics: cable, cable glands, strain reliefs
Hospital-Grade Products Quiz
Posted on 6/17/19 8:35 AM
Topics: Hospital-Grade Products, hospital-grade cords, hospital-grade plugs
Simplifying the Power Entry Element into a Single Unit
Posted on 6/3/19 7:58 AM
When designing electrical products, one way to simplify the power entry element is by incorporating a module, which combines power entry functions into a single unit. Even though these functions are available as individual components, the benefits of a module include user safety, reduced individual component inventory, decreased assembly labor, and saved panel space.
Topics: product design, modules, designing for export
Socket Strip Definitions
Posted on 5/20/19 8:12 AM
A socket strip distributes electrical power through multiple sockets. It can be used to provide multiple sources of power (sockets) in an application with limited socket access. A socket strip can assist in meeting a need when only a single power source is available, but there are multiple pieces of equipment needing that power source.
Topics: product design, designing for export, country specific socket strips