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Exporting to Finland

Posted on 9/26/16 12:00 AM

Exporting to Finland

Actual population* Population world ranking
5,268,799 119
Actual GDP (PPP)* GDP world ranking
$195.5 billion 58
Actual GDP (per capita)* GDP (per capita) world ranking
$35,900 38

*See the end of this blog for definitions

Being a part of the global market allows for many trade opportunities within the country of Finland. As a member of the European Union, Finland has a welcoming business environment.

Finland is also a part of the Nordic countries, which includes Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Together these countries offer diversified trade markets. Different market entry strategies, such as working with a local partner or distributor, are available, as well as local trade associations and trade fairs. Finnish consumers expect quality products, which can make for competitive markets.

Relationships are key both socially and within the business community. Those in Finland prefer to know who they are doing business with, so it’s important to establish positive relationships first.

To assist with learning more about market entry strategies, doing business in Finland, and import/export requirements, various resources are available. Among them are the United States Commercial Service and the United Kingdom Trade and Investment.

Located in Northern Europe, Finland joined the European Union in 1995. The EU is a Customs Union which consists of member countries who have formed a single region for customs purposes. Goods that have been imported legally can circulate throughout the EU with no further customs checks. To learn more about the customs regulations, among the sources to consult are the European Commission Export Helpdesk and European Commission Taxation and Customs Union. Conducting due diligence in accordance with all of the regulations is essential.

Some products may require safety testing and certification for this market. While not all products are required to have a CE mark, others do require one. When affixing the CE mark to a product, a manufacturer affirms that the product meets the necessary requirements and can be sold throughout the EU.

There are also EU regulations that need to be followed, so it’s important to know what is required in Finland. Among them are:

  • REACH is the European regulation for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals. The European Commission works closely with ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) in the implementation of this regulation.
  • RoHS stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances. It restricts the use of certain hazardous materials found in electrical and electronic products.
  • WEEE stands for Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment. WEEE requires the treatment, recovery, and recycling of electric and electronic equipment.

Finland has two official languages. One of them is Finnish, which is spoken by the majority of the people, and the other is Swedish. While not an official language, English is also widely spoken.

In Finland, the voltage used is 230V at 50Hz. The most frequently specified plug pattern is the Continental European plug.


Sources for European Union:


Country comparison—Population: Population compares estimates from the US Bureau of Census based on statistics from population censuses, vital statistics, registration systems, or sample surveys pertaining to the recent past and on assumptions about future trends. (July 2014 est.)

Country comparison—GDP (Purchasing Power Parity): GDP (purchasing power parity [PPP]) compares the gross domestic product (GDP) or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year. A nation’s GDP at PPP exchange rates is the sum value of all goods and services produced in the country valued at prices prevailing in the United States. (2013 est.)

Country comparison—GDP – per capita (PPP): GDP – per capita (PPP) compares GDP on a purchasing parity basis divided by population as of 1 July for the same year. (2013 est.)

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